ManCom Inc. warns against Cyber Attacks and agrees with market research, analysis and forecasts, says Darrell Leonard, President at Management Communications in Phoenix Arizona.
With the ever evolving and more sophisticated computer chip in both, the standard desktop, laptop or smart phone, it is becoming increasingly easier for cyber-attacks to occur. On the other end of the spectrum, more and more sophisticated viruses are being produced to silently attack your network. Although some attacks are aimed at the Federal Government, we believe a good majority of them are concentrated on large businesses that support the Federal Government and the Department of Defense. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a thing you see on the big screen. When you think of Siri on the iPhone and other AI applications you have to wonder what’s next. While you’re thinking about that, think of all these applications and attacks that are borderless and extremely difficult to track. Foreign governments spend far less capital sending agents into other countries to retrieve data. The modern world has shifted from organic attacks to malicious cyber-attacks which is more cost effective and puts agents in a significantly vulnerable situation.
While you ponder this real threat, also think about the dynamics of entire process of protecting your network and if the top antivirus companies that “Keep us Safe” is keeping up with the times, or, in the grand scheme of things, just looking at the stopping the next Trojan Virus. As a nation, we must examine every possibility of where and how cyber-attacks occur starting from procurement to logistics to operations.
It is determined the global cyber warfare market with be close to $17 billion in 2013. If you’re still not convinced, or think this is just one of those “The ski is” falling ramblings… please read this Global Cyber Security article and this Global Cyber Warfare article from ASD Reports.